This year at the local home brewers' night, my Peach Chardonnay took best in show of the kit wines. It is a real crowd pleaser (if you like sweet wine); it has won 3 times. Most people who don't usually drink wine enjoy this or the Wildberry Shiraz. I prefer dry reds as stated before, but I think that it is nice to offer a variety of wines to your guests. This event was judged by regular folk who just like the taste of the wine; they don't go though all the rituals that wine critics do.
Just because some wine is rated a 94 by some "wine snob" does not mean that I have to like it. I don't believe we are supposed to all like the same wine or why would there be so many to choose from? Some people won't give home made wine a chance since they have preconceived notions about it being crappy wine; to this, I say, you are missing out! Wine kits have come a long way, and I am sure if made and aged properly, they would be hard pressed to tell the difference.
This blog, I thought I would share a new wine storage unit that I have found. It is from Ikea, yes, Ikea. It is actually a bookcase but it is perfect for storing cases of wine. The unit is called Expedit, and it comes in various sizes from 6 or 8 to 20 "cubes", The weight limits of the shelves is 29 lbs. This is approximately ten 750ml bottles. I load the bottom shelves with cases of 12 but keep the rest at ten. Still a great way to store a lot of wine, I cover it with dark drapes that I bought at Walmart to keep the light and dust out. You can add to the units as your cellar grows (I have mine secured to the wall, probably not necessary but it can't hurt). It actually looks like a nice piece of furniture, too bad it is in the basement but there the temperature does not vary as much as it does upstairs.
Expedit unit with drapes. Folded cardboard serves as labels for the shelves.
All my wine is coded by the wrap color but it looks nice.
Remember, everything in moderation except wine hoarding!